Sunday, March 18, 2012


From directors Adam Green(Hatchet,Hatchet 2),Tim Sullivan (Driftwood,2001 Maniacs),Adam Rifkin(The Dark Backward), & Joe Lynch (Wrong Turn 2: Dead End) comes a new addition to the anthology horror genre, Chillerama. Consisting of four stories, "Wadzilla", "I was a Teenage Were Bear", "The Diary Of Anne Frankenstein", & the wrap around story "Zom-B-Movie", the film relies heavily on outdated FX & shock value.. in a good way. "Wadzilla" is the first story which combines elements of Godzilla & sperm. The results are quite funny, Adam Rifkin stars in and directs this story. Next is "I Was A Teenage Werebear" by Tim Sullivan which is a musical about gay werewolves. I hate musicals so this one was doomed from the start for me. "The Diary Of Anne Frankenstein" by Adam Green follows with Joel David Moore damn near stealing the ENTIRE show. This segment and "Wadzilla" are alone worth a viewing. 'Zom-B-Movie" by Joe Lynch has some really over the top zombie action & stars Richard Riehle..need I say more? Overall I profusely enjoyed Chilerama and will most likely buy it.


Low expectations & a strange attraction to rare Canadian horror films are two large factors in why I Liked Humongous. Although the film starts begins with a rather uncomfortable rape scene (homie dont play dat), but it's a pretty solid and enjoyable slasher film from there on out. Seeing less is more is definitely the theme when it comes to the film's monster (offspring of the rape mentioned earlier). A clear shot of the mutants face isnt shown till the very end. Before that its just a giant in the darkness, or an eye peaking through a peephole. Believe it or not Ive tracked down quite a few of these examples of "Canuckploitation" & I'd say Humongous ranks up there with Corpse Eaters & Things. Official Awesome Gruesome seal of approval right der..go check it out fellas.