Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Attack The Block

Ok, first off I think the comparisons between The Goonies and Attack The Block end at the fact that their both about a group of kids,but the hype behind this film is in no way unfounded. Bringing plenty of action and a very unique alien design, Attack, is most definitely worth a watch. Nick Frost is great as a lazy,greasy, pot dealer and John Boyega is great as the street smart Moses. Again I gotta say these aliens are well done. Their basically just big gorilla sized masses of fur with a giant maw stuffed full of teeth. Director Joe Cornish likened the creature creation process to that of the early films of Ralph Bakshi, which I think works very well. Attack The Block has the Awesome Gruesome seal of approval!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011


I dont really know how to describe what I just experienced. I know I liked it, but thats only because I am part of a rare species that enjoys films like Corpse Eaters or Nightbeast or any of Don Dohlers wonderful catalog. Things is an experience. A non stop train wreck to good to look away from. The super 8 embodiment of cult. The erie mellow synthesizer music by the band Stryk-9 still haunts me. Canada should be proud. Thats all I can say at this point. I know that I am planning on buying a copy of Intervision's extras loaded DVD transfer of the film. I need to watch this again.