Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Sleeping Car

Mix one part Evil Dead, one part House, one part David "American Werewolf in London" Naughton, a splash of Kevin "UHF" McCarthy,and cram it all into a converted, haunted train sleeper car, you will get Douglas Curtis' "The Sleeping Car", a whatever 90's gory ghost story(thats also on the long list of horror flciks at 16 Thousand Movies(R.I.P.) I wasnt allowed to watch). A times the film does manage to brew up some atmosphere which is usually then scared away by the acting. There is a few good moments and several familiar faces supporting including Judie "Weird Science"Aronson and Jeff "Annoying as a Motherfucker" Conaway. Im a sucker for practical FX so I did enjoy this somewhat. The zombiefied corpse of "The Mister" is pretty awesome, and Kevin McCarthy's performance is good. Other than that there is alot of drag with Naughton spitting out tons of clunky dialogue. Its streaming on Netflix if you got the time...whatever..

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