Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mario Bava's Black Sabbath (Anthology Series pt. 7)

Im here to inform and confess. First off this film is amazing, secondly, its the first Mario Bava film I've fully seen(seen half of Baron Blood). Yes I know, I know...and I call myself a fan of the genre? I know. But I plan on seeing the rest of his films. This film looks amazing, its quite a delight to the eye. I found myself alone,shirtless on my couch last night around 3am and I decided to pop this on my netflix. Damn. The first story gave me chills, which just doesnt happen that often. Second story was some good "When a stranger calls" type horror and the last story bousts Boris Karloff,the master himself, stepping into the role of vampire. Good stuff. From this one joint I can tell that Bava is without doubt a master of atmosphere and brooding terror. The use of sound in the first story(about a ghost attached to a certain ring) is top notch. More Bava going into the que immediately!

Reccomended for fans of Argento,Fulci, and Boris Karloff.

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