Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Sell The Dead

With a list of actors including Larry Fessenden (Who also produced),Angus Scrimm(of Phantasm fame), & Ron Perlman, theres not much you have to say to get me to watch this. Top it off with Dominic Monaghan, some zombies & vampires & theres even less to say to me than before when I mentioned those 3 actors I like.  Although it tries a little hard in spots overall this flick is very enjoyable, and all the key actors do thier damn thang. Its definitiely made by horror fans for horror fans. On top of that ths is the feature length debut of Glenn Mcquaid. I'd include this on that very small list(Dead Snow & Pontypool are the only others) of recent zombie films with a fresh approach to the genre, even though this isnt entirely a zombie film. Two nubs up!

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