Ok this movie may not be the most original independant film Ive seen, but I give em props for gore quality and badassery. The badassery goes out to Jesse T. Cook, John Geddes,(the directors) and Thomas Webb for having the balls to do several scenes in the dead of winter,waist deep in snow, wearing nothing but boxers and a t shirt(specially John Geddes for running down that stream barefoot).Thats just straight up hardcore. Supporting Badassery goes to Steve Warren for the pretty damn creepy character he played. Props for gore quality goes out to the Gore Brothers, Jason & Jeff Derushie, whos level of professional gore effects really brought another layer of bona fide horror to the movie. Like I said, this isnt the most original movie, but its a horror film made by horror fans that was meant to deliver some raw horror,and i think it does that for the most part. I think most gore hounds will be satisfied.
-five out of ten thingys
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