Ahh forgotten gems, dont you love em? After tanking in the UK then being released in the US at the same time as The Exorcist, The Asphyx never really had a chance. Thank god for the DVD format. Directed by Peter Newbrook (his only directing credit) and shot by cinematographer Freddie Young (Gorgo,Doctor Zhivago,Lawrence of arabia) This dark little film brings some really fresh ideas to screen. Sir Hugo Cunningham (played by Robert Stephens) discovers that all living things have an Asphyx which can sense when death approaches. So in order to achieve immortality Hugo creates a certain light that can capture the Asphyx thus transforming any living mortal into an immortal. The Special effects are actually quite good for the time period and the Asphyx creature is pretty creepy. No blood and gore here though, just plenty of atmosphere, classic acting, an immortal ginny pig and a nice loop around ending. Over all a pleasant surprise. Recommended for fans of Hammer and Amicus style horror.
-3 and half out of five immortal ginny pigs
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