Directed By James L. Wilson-
A really wonderful little anthology horror. Most copies you"ll find are on VHS or Shitty rips to DVD(what I have) but i highly suggest checking for this film. Its older for sure but it would have scared the nuts off me as a kid.
2.Black Christmas(1974)
Directed by Bob Clark-
One of my favorite directors(R.I.P.). I cant recommend this film enough. Scares everyone ive ever shown it too. Its funny to think that the director of the legendary "A Christmas Story" would make the scariest horror film about Christmas ever made. If you havent seen it, shame on you.
Directed by Tibor Takacs-
Ever hear of a little film called "The Gate" or its sequel? Well, the master behind those directed "I,Madman". There is lots of creepy stuff in here about a writer whos books have gained a life of thier own. Its kind of the precursor to John Carpenter's "In the Mouth of Madness".Its really cool stylized flick with all the delicious stop motion goodness of "The Gate". Extremely recommended.
4.The Resurrected aka Shatterbrain
Directed by Dan O'Bannon(R.I.P)-
This film is based on the short story "The Curious case of Charles Dexter Ward".Ive already reviewed it as being one of the finest H.P. Lovecraft adaptations ever, and I stand by that. Dan O'Bannon is responsible for directing the legendary "Return of the Living Dead" as well as writing "Alien" "Total Recall","Bleeders","Screamers""Heavy Metal","Lifeforce"& "Dead & Buried",which alone is a good enough reason for you to see this. Chris Sarandon is his usual baddass self, so if you were feeling him in "Fright Night" then definitely check for this.
5.The Burning
Directed by Tom Maylam-
An extremely enjoyable camping slasher flick. Some of Tom Savini's finest work. Cropsy is a villain I would have liked to see again in a barrage of sequels, but this is his only outing("The Prowler" is another good example of a lost villain which Tom Savini also worked on). There is a great hedge clipper vs fingers on a boat scene in this one. Go have ya self a viewing.
6.Wild Zero
Directed by Tetsuro Takeuchi-
If your a fan of "Versus","Junk", or "Bio Zombie" you'll love this. Its an Alien invasion/Zombie/Rock N Roll/Gender bending extravaganza starring the rock group Guitar Wolf! The last few minutes of this film(Guitar sword vs UFO) is worth any amount of money you find this DVD for. DRUM WOLF!
7.Just Before Dawn
Directed by Jeff lieberman-
For fans of "Blue Sunshine","Squirm" & "Satans Little Helper". In my opinion Lebo's finest work. Great atmosphere,a creepy soundtrack by Brad Fiedel(who also did the music for Terminator & T2 Judgement day),some good acting ,and a kickass finale has solidified this as one of the classics. Go see now,,,,NOW!
8.Corpse Eaters
Directed by Donald Passmore & Klaus Vetter, Produced by Canadian Legend Lawrence Zazelenchuck(R.I.P.)-
Filling the void(along side "The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue)in 1974 between Romero's "Night of the living Dead" & "Dawn of the Dead", "Corpse Eaters" brings the Canadians into the fray of zombie cinema. Sure its so dark you cant see shit in a few scenes, sure the plot doesnt really "make sense", but thats why I love it. Cult classic. If you aint seen it, Hit up Encore video in Michigan. They'll dub it for ya.
9.The living Dead at Manchester Morgue a.k.a Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
Directed by Jorge Grau-
Dropping the same year as "Corpse Eaters", this Spanish/Italian production brings in the gore. Said to be extremely influential to the Italian zombie cycles, Jorge Grau sculps this masterpiece with care and skill. Dark dreary landscapes and crypts are perfectly lit for undead denizens. The sound design is perfectly erie as well. Great stuff. I think ima go watch dis, sheeeit.
Directed by William Girdler(R.I.P.)-
From the brilliant mind that brought you "Day of the Animals" & "The Manitou", comes Grizzly! I passed this flick up many times but after one viewing I bought it immediately.Kick ass awesomeness. You literally Cannot fuck with Christopher "City of the Living Dead" George in this film. Richard "The Dark" Jaekel aint no chump either.
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