Sweet! Yet another genre director that has slipped threw my grasp all these years. I had been restricted from watching these by my parents when i was little. But I remember starring at the covers longingly during trips to 16,000 movies(RIP) in Orlando.
Blue Monkey Stars Steve Railsback (of Tobe hoopers' Lifeforce fame) as a detective investigating the strange goings on at County Memorial hospital. An old man is brought in after coming in contact with an exotic flower. The man later vomits up a larvae that turns into a giant insect or Blue Monkey if you will. There is a wonderful finale that includes Steve Railsback, a laser, and the Blue Monkey. Definitely a nice giant insect flick in the wake of David Cronenberg's The Fly. Spasms stars Oliver Reed ,Peter Fonda & Kerrie Keane. Its a delightful little film about a giant demonic snake that Oliver Reed's character somehow has a psychic link too. The film includes some pretty godamn decent attack scenes. The giant snakes bites inflicts severe swelling and the SFX used are pretty entertaining to watch. I was feeling it yo. Mad Props William Fruet, im looking forward to checking out Death Weekend, Trapped and some of your other genre flicks.
-Blue Monkey-worth checking out if your a giant mutant insect fan or a Steve Railsback fan
-Spasms-Mandatory viewing for fans of giant snakes
peace out
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