So I was puffing on a hootah, and I popped in this bootleg of The Brain I picked up at Wizard and I must say it was quite delightful. The Brain is one of those big old 80's forgotten gems with a big fat slice of cheese on top. Its got David Gale(Re-animator,Syngenor),tentacle hallucinations, the punching off of a head, & a giant,growling,pulsating,growing ,man-eating,alien brain who wants to control all of humanity. What more could you want? Its Directed by Ed Hunt who apparently did a few other sci-fi/horror films I have to see now such as Alien Warrior & Bloody Birthday. I always passed this movie up in the video store as a kid and now I finally know that it delivers all the awesomeness the front and back covers promise. I would not be surprised if Anchor Bay, Blue Underground, Elite Entertainment, Synapse, Dark Sky, Something Weird Video, Troma, Retromedia & Shriek Show are fighting over the rights to this film as I type this.
solid B
*warning* a hootah my intensify the awesomeness of this film*warning*
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